Information on composition and mechanical properties of near 275,000 world steel grades |
Lists of foreign equivalents (cross-reference) for any steel grade |
Search for similar grades by application, composition and properties in case the exact equivalent doesn't exist |
Search for steel grade designation by the known composition in any country |
Search for the grades with values of mechanical properties you need |
Working with WinSteel 8 Prof |
You save your time as searching data on steel and its equivalents will take seconds |
You save your money as there is no need to have all the world steel standards in your library |
Working with WinSteel 8 Prof that the most complete and up-to-date information on world steel grades is in your PC |
You can print steel grades’ datasheets and save the information on grades to use it in other application |
![]() 1. Download from our web-site
![]() 2. Install the software on your PC
![]() 3. Run the Activation utility |
![]() 4. We'll create and e-mail
your Name and Code |
![]() 5. You input the Name and Code
before first run of the software |
![]() 6. You run the software and
work with it during a month |
We'll answer to your question as soon as possible.
Usually we answer in 2-3 hours or next working day in case you place your question when we are out office.
But now please familiarize yourself with our main
WinSteel 8 Prof - International Translator
of World Steel Grades,
which we use to answer to your questions