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We invite you to visit our stand at 10th Metal-Expo Fair in Moscow on November 16-19th.

Metal-Expo is the largest CIS steel and metal event. This year the fair will be held in two halls of Russian Exhibition Center (VVTs) No.57 (steel) and No.20 (non-ferrous).

    On our stand H5726 in the hall 57 you will have chance:
    • to see you new releases of our programs WinSteel, WinAlloy, WinPlant. BLACK and WinPlant. RED;
    • to purchase the software with discount of 20%;
    • to see the software of our French partner Simdex Publishing company The Simdex Buyer's Guide and The Simdex Future Pipeline Projects Worldwide Guide;
    • to learn about new information and consulting services of our company.

We will be glad to show you our software products on the Metal-Forum Of Ukraine Fair in Kiev on October, 14th - 16th.

Metal-Forum of Ukraine is the largest metallurgical event in Ukraine. Parallel with the Fair the Conference devoted to problems of Ukrainian metallurgy will take place. The Fair and Conference will be held in new Kiev Fair Center "KievExpoPlaza". You could find us on the stand B15 of our Ukrainian partner Ukrainian Metal magazine.

During the event you will have a good chance to purchase our software with discount of 20%.

For more details of the event please visit

New releases of 3rd quarter of 2004 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant.BLACK. Information on fourteen new mills was entered in the database. Russian manufacturers of roll-formed profiles Aluminiy Chernozem`ya (Voronezh), Alar-2, Spetsatomcontact-2, Steelinvest, Taldom Profil (Moscow), PromStal`Profil (Lipetsk), Insi (Chelyabinsk), Mining-and-Chemical Works (Krasnoyarsk), Ukrainian producers Donix and Mashinostritel (wire products), Santekhdetal and Experimental Manufacturing Area of the State Tube Institute (tubes) as well as Siversky Metizny Zavod (Leningrad region - wire products) and Kamensk-Uralsky Non-Ferrous Working Plant (develop products from Cr-Ni Ch20N80 alloy) are among them.

New plant VolgoMetiz was organized on base of wire subdivision of Volgograd Steel Wire and Rape Plant, this plant is ownered by Severstal Group (management company Severstal-Metiz). Besides, replacement of managing companies of Cherepovets Steel-Rolling Mill and Orel Steel Rolling Works (Severtal-Metiz), Magnitogorsk Steel and Wire Works and Magnitogorsky kalibrovochny zavod (MMK-Metiz), Moscow Iron and Steel Works "Serp i Molot" (Steel Group MeChel), Dnepropetrovsk Precision Tube Plant (State Tube Institute) was reflected in the software database.

Also we added information on new equipment installed at Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works as well as data on new steel products developed by 11 plants. Information on the 37 plants included in the database earlier and their products was precised.

WinPlant.RED. Information on twelve new plants was entered in the database. Manufacturers of secondary Al alloys Ryazan` Plant of Aluminium Alloys, Intersplav and Donsplav and their management company Befesa Medio Ambiente, producers of Al roll-formed profiles Aluminiy Chernozem`ya and TransAl, Karabashmed` (copper), Ufaleynickel (cobalt) and Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant "Krastsvetmet" (precision metals and alloys) as well as steel plants Pervouralski Novotrubny Tube and Pipe Corp., Setab-Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk Precision Tube Plant and Experimental Manufacturing Area of the State Tube Institute develop some kinds of products of titanium, nickel and special alloys are among them.

Also we added data on new products developed by Verkhnaya Salda Metallurgical Production Association and Kirov Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant included in the database earlier. Because of reorganization Moskabel'met plant was renamed to Moskabel'-CvetMet. Moskabel'met is management company of this plant as well as Elkat plant now. Information on products of 6 plants was precised.

WinSteel. Since the last quarter we have added more than 1400 new steel grades. New structural grades according to European standards (EN), Russian special steels and ferro-alloys as well as commercial names of various grades of different steel companies are among them. The total quantity of grades in the WinSteel database is 60277 now.

WinAlloy. Since the last quarter we have added more than 1100 new grades. Mainly these are Mg-based alloys of different countries as well as Russian special alloys and ferro-alloys according TU. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 29875 now.

Our new partner

Quantor-Soft Metal and Middle East e-commerce steel site came to an agreement about cooperation. All registered users of can subscribe to our online software for 6 or 12 months as well as buy the CD versions with discount of 15% for one program and 20% for any two ones. All registered users of Quantor-Soft Metal software can subscribe with discount of 10%. More...

New releases of 2nd quarter of 2004 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant.BLACK. Information on fifteen new mills was entered in the database. Byelorussian Tube Works, manufacturers of roll-formed profiles Kireevsk Light Metal Structures Plant, companies SPLAV, WELD, Metallcomplect, Inprom-Profil, Kansk Light-Gage Construction Plant "Mayak", Irkutsk Plant "Profnastil", Khabarovsk and Orsk Plants of Metal Constructions, Romanian plants COST S.A., Industrial Sirmei SA, as well as Russian Ural'skaya Kuznitsa and Lithuanian Mechel Nemunas (included in the Steel Group MeChel) and Hungarian DUNAFERR plant (purchased by Industrial Union of Donbass group) are among them.

Also we added information on new equipment installed at Volgograd Tube & Pipe Works VEST-MD as well as data on new steel products developed by 7 plants. Information on the 37 plants included in the database earlier and their products was precised.

WinPlant.RED. Information on thirteen new plants was entered in the database. Realit, AVISMA Titanium-Magnesium Works, Moskabel'met, Elkat, Ametist-M, Mosmetallokonstruktsiya Plant, Precision Alloys Plant, Novosibirsk Solders Plant, Ryazan Metals and Alloys Plant, TSVETMETOBRABOTKA, Chepetsky Mechanical Plant, Pilot plant of refractory metals and hard alloys, Vladikavkaz Plant Electrozinc are among them.

Also we added data on new products developed by 3 plants included in the database earlier. Because of changing of owners Kolchugino Non-Ferrous Metal Works was icluded in the Pipe Metallurgical Company whereas Tuimsky factory of non-ferrous metals was excluded from Norilsk Nickel Group.

WinSteel. Since the last quarter we have added more than 1700 new steel grades. Grades according to new European standards (EN), new ASTM standards, Russian structural and special grades as well as commercial names of various grades of different steel companies are among them. The total quantity of grades in the WinSteel database is 58860 now.

WinAlloy. Since the last quarter we have added near 500 new grades. Mainly these are Cu-based and Pb-based alloys of different countries as well as Russian special alloys according TU. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 28771 now.

New releases of 1st quarter of 2004 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant.BLACK. Information on nine new mills was entered in the database. Russian plants Electromash, FAN, Korolevsky Zavod Profnastila, Trading Firm "Profil", Ukrainian plants UkrNIISpetsstal, Tavr, Аrtyomovsk Machine-Building Plant "VISTEC", Latvian Severstallat, Romanian C.S.Resita S.A. included in TMK Group are among them.

Also we added data on new steel products developed by 5 plants. Information on the 34 plants included in the database earlier and their products was made more exact.

WinPlant.RED. Information on six new plants was entered in the database. Novosibirsk Integrated Tin Works, Agrisovgaz, Petersburg Aluminium, Balkhashsky non-ferrous metal processing plant, Samara Aluminum Foundry (SamZAS), Metal Powder Production Plant are among them.

Also we added data on new steel products developed by 10 plants included in the database earlier.

WinSteel. Since the last quarter we have added near 400 new steel grades. New grades of Precision Tube Technology, Timken, Avesta Polarit, Imphy Ugine Precision companies, American grades according to ASTM A463, A653, A606 as well as Russian steels of various purposes (structural, special, weldable) are among them.

WinAlloy. Since the last quarter we have added near 700 new grades. Mainly these are Cu-based alloys of different countries, alloys of Aluminium Pechinye and Bohler companies as well as Russian Cu-, Al-based and special alloys.

New reduced prices for our software

Every program WinSteel, WinAlloy, WinPlant.BLACK or WinPlant.RED for Single PC costs €350 now.

The new special package prices are:
- for any two programs - €630;
- for any three programs - €890;
- for all four programs - €1120.

Tube & Wire Fair in Duesseldorf (Germany).

We will be glad to show you our software products on the Tube & Wire Fair in Duesseldorf (Germany) from March, 29th to April 2th.

You could find us in the Hall 8 on the stand 8B25 of Simdex Publishing company. Simdex Publishing is publisher of The Simdex Buyer's Guide which includes data on 1000 tube mills worldwide and distributor of our software in Europe.

During the event you will have a good chance to purchase our software with discount of 20%.

New version 3.5 of WinPlant software is available now!

All users who are entitled to our support service will receive it free of charge.
You can see main differences of WinPlant, ver.3.5 in comparison with version 3.0 and the upgrade prices here.

New releases of 4th quarter of 2003 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant. Information on seven new mills was entered in the database. Cherepovets Casting-Mechanical Plant, Trubostal (Zhitomir, Ukraine), Special Steels and Alloys, Ltd. (producers of tubes), Samara Plant "ElectroShield", Molodechnensky Light Metal Constructions Plant, "Metallresurs" Ltd. (producers of roll-formed profiles) as well as AZST-Color, Ltd. (producer of coating sheets) are among them.

Also we added data on new steel products developed by 19 plants. Information on the 24 plants included in the database earlier and their products was made more exact.

WinSteel. Since the last quarter we have added more than 300 new steel grades. New grades of ImatraSteel, SSAB and USINOR companies, steel according to EN 10263 as well as Russian steels of various purposes are among them.

WinAlloy. Since the last quarter we have added more than 300 new grades. Mainly these are Cu- and Al-based alloys of different countries, secondary Al alloys according to the Turkish ETIAL standard as well as Russian aviation special alloys and solder alloys.

New software WinPlant. RED with information on CIS manufacturers of metal products will be issued at the beginning of the next year.

We have finished completing of database of our new product WinPlant. RED - Automated Directory of Non-Ferrous Plants. The database includes information on more then 50 metal plants in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries manufactured anodes and cathodes, ingots and concast billets, flat products, long rolled products, extruded and drawn rods and profiles, tubes and pipes, wire, roll-formed profiles, forgings.

We plan to issue the WinPlant.RED at the beginning of the next year. But now you can buy prerelease of this software on favourable price. You can find the details here.

We will be glad to see you on our stand on the 9th International Exhibition Metal-Expo'03.

The 9th International Exhibition Metal-Expo'03 will be take place in Moscow, in All Russian Exhibition Center (former VDNKh), Pavilion 57, on November, 18-21th.

Metal-Expo is the largest and significant steel and metal event in CIS countries. More than 600 companies will in participate the fair in this year. MMK, Severstal, NLMK, MeChel, EurazHolding, RusAl, SUAL and other mills and trading companies are among them.

On our stand H116 we will be glad to show you our software and answer to your questions about CIS mills and Russian steels and non-ferrous. During the event you can purchase our software with discount of 20%.

Before the fair on November, 17th you can participate in the Russian Metal and Steel Market Conference organized by our partner the Metal Supply and Sales Magazine.

New releases of 3rd quarter of 2003 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant. Information on seven new mills was entered in the database. Ukrainian Rodakovoresursy, AZST, Dnepropetrovskmetalloprom, Drill Collars and Kellys Plant and Russian Frolovsky Electric Furnace Steel Works, Mezhgosmetiz, Verkhnaya Salda Steel-Rolling Works are among them.

Also we added data on new equipment installed at Trubostal-Nikopol mill as well as new steel products developed by 15 plants. Information on the 16 plants included in the database earlier and their products was made more exact.

WinSteel. Since the last quarter we have added near 90 new steel grades. Tube steels according to API standard, rail steels according to UIC standard as well as Russian steels of different purposes according to TU are among them.

WinAlloy. Since the last quarter we have added near 400 new grades. Mainly these are Cu-based alloys of different countries as well as Russian Al-based alloys produced according to TU.

New releases of 2nd quarter of 2003 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant. The database is added with information on three new CIS mills: Stroy-Profil, Promstalkonstruktsiya and Novogrudsky Metalware Plant as well as two foreign producers: Rautaruukki and Romanian ARTROM tube mill included into Tube Metallurgical Company.
Also we have added data on new equipment installed at Borsky Tube Manufacturing Plant and Ural Plant of Precision Alloys as well as new steel products developed by 14 plants. Information on the 19 plants included in the database earlier and their products was made more exact.

WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 56369 now. Since the last quarter we have added near 100 new iron grades as well as more than 100 new steel grades (electrical, tool, special).

WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 27205 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 200 new grades. Mainly these are Cu-based alloys of different countries as well as special and Pt-based alloys.

New version 3.0 of WinPlant software is available now!

All users who are entitled to our support service will receive it free of charge..
You can see main differences of WinPlant, ver.3.0 in comparison with the old software versions here.

New releases of 1st quarter of 2003 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant. The database is added with information on four new plants: Novorosmetal, Galvex Estonia, LASMET and Ryazan tube mill. Also we have added data on new steel products developed by 27 plants and specified data on products and contact details of other 20 plants included in the database earlier.

WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 56156 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 300 new grades.

WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 27004 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 650 new grades.

New releases of 4rd quarter of 2002 of WinSteel and WinAlloy.

WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 55875 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 150 new grades.

WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 26350 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 1100 new grades.

Metal-Expo'2002 Fair in Moscow.

We ask you to visit the largest steel and metal event in CIS the 8th "Metal-Expo'2002" Fair which will be take place in Moscow, in All Russian Exhibition Center (former VDNKh), Pavilion 57, November, 19-23.

On our booth M114 we will be glad to show you our programs and answer to your questions about CIS mills and Russian steels and non-ferrous. During the event you can purchase our software with discount of 20%.

New releases of 3rd quarter of 2002 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant. The database is added with information on two new plants UralLUKtrubmash and NiZOT - Nikopol.
Also we have added data on rolled steel products manufactured at a new MMK (Magnitogorsk) 1700 sheet mill as well as new products developed by MeChel and Volzhsky Pipe Plant and specified data on products of other 8 plants.

WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 55724 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 300 new grades.

WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 25231 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 800 new grades.

Reduces prices in Euro.

We have reduced our prices in Euro. As at the beginning of the year our costs in Euros are equal the costs in US dollars now.

New releases of 2nd quarter of 2002 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant. The database is added with information on new Magnitogorsk Stamping Works.
Also we have added information on new products manufactured at 16 mills included in the database earlier and specified data on products of other 18 plants.

WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 55423 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 800 new grades.

WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 24356 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 250 new grades.

Joint operation of WinSteel and WinAlloy with spectrometers.

Our software can operate both with spectrometers to recognize a steel (alloy) designation by known chemical composition now.

Tubes & Wire Fair, April 8-12th, Dusseldorf, Germany

We are glad to inform you that we shall take part in the Tubes & Wire Fair in Dusseldorf. For more details on the Fair please visit

We ask you to visit our stand J58 in the Hall 15. There will be joint stand of Quantor Ltd. and two our partners, i.e. Metal Supply & Sales Russian magazine for steel and metal traders and Metal-Expo Russian exhibition company - organizer of the largest Russian metal fairs.

During the event you could not only see our software (both CD and Online) but purchase it with discount of 20% (!) also.

New releases of 1st quarter 2002 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

WinPlant. The database is added with information on 4 new plants Amurmetal, Amurstal-Profil, DV-Metal, Dalnevostochny Steel Rolling Works organized on basis of Amurstal as well as Konstantinovsky Iron Foundry organized on basis of Konstantinovsky Steel Works.
Also we have added information on new products manufactured at 7 mills included in the database earlier and specified data on products of other 21 plants.

WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 54586 now. Since the last quarter we have added near 1,900 new grades.

WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 24087 now. Since the last quarter we have added near 400 new grades.

New prices in EURO!

  • for WinSteel;
  • for WinAlloy;
  • for WinPlant.

  • 03.01.2002
    1 US Dollar = 1 Euro in our company until February 28th!

    Buy the software now and get 10-12% discount. More...

    We have issued new version 2.5 of the WinPlant software and new releases of 4rd quarter 2001 of WinSteel and WinAlloy.

    WinPlant. The database of version 2.5 along with information on producers of flat, long products and tubes & pipes contains data on manufacturers of wire.

    Besides we have included three new plants in the WinPlant database (Slavutich-3, Petrometal and Baku Steel) as well as information on new mill at Seversky Tube Works. Also we have added information on new products manufactured at 8 mills included in the database earlier and specified data on products of other 11 plants.

    WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 52688 now. Since the last quarter we have added near 900 new grades.

    WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 23665 now. Since the last quarter we have added more than 200 new grades.

    New releases of 3rd quarter 2001 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant.

    WinPlant. The database is added with information on 8 new plants as well as information on products manufactured on new Magnitigorsk (MMK) mill. Also we have added information on new products manufactured at 11 mills included in the database earlier. Information on telephones and faxes of all mills is checked and corrected.

    WinSteel. The total quantity of steel grades in the WinSteel database is 51789 now. Since the last quarter we have added near 3,000 new grades. Korean steel grades (Korea is new country in our database!), new European grades as well as special non-standardized CIS grades are among them.

    WinAlloy. The total quantity of alloys in the WinAlloy database is 23455 now. Since the last quarter we have added near 100 new grades. Mainly these are Al-, Sn-based alloys, bronzes, special Ni-based alloys.

    WinPlant Online is available now!

    According to our Annual Support Service users of WinPlant CD version could get FREE access to WinPlant Online. To get login and password please contact us:
    Others can see WinPlant Online Powered Demo as well as subcribe to the WinPlant Online on

    Metal Bulletin's 6th Eastern and Central European Steel Conference.

    We invite you to visit our Table Top at Metal Bulletin's 6th Eastern and Central European Steel Conference in Berlin Hilton Hotel, Berlin, Germany on June 17-19th.
    You could not only see our software (both CD and Online) in operation but also purchase it with discount of 20% (!)

    FREE access to the Online to users of CD versions.

    To mark tenth anniversary of our company we offer FREE access to online versions of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant to users of their CD versions! To get login and password please contact us:

    1. New WinAlloy version 1.5 is available!

    All our users who has bought WinAlloy, ver. 1.0 during last year or subscribed to our Annual Support service receive version 1.5 free of charge. Other users of ver. 1.0 can purchase the upgrade on favourable price. Main differences of WinAlloy, ver. 1.5 in comparison with ver. 1.0

    2. New releases of WinSteel and WinPlant.

    We have issued new releases of our another software WinSteel and WinPlant. All our users who subscribed to our Annual Support Service receive new CDs in nearest future.

      Metal-Expo'2000 Fair.

      You could see our software on International Fair Metal-Expo'2000 which will take place in Moscow, in All-Russian Exhibition Center (former VDNKh), building 57, November, 21-24.

    WinSteel Online and WinAlloy Online are available now!

    To subscribe please visit

    New WinSteel version 5.0 is available!

    All our users of previous versions can purchase the upgrade.
    Main differences of WinSteel, ver. 5.0 in comparison with ver. 4.0 (4.1)

      Metal Bulletin's 5th Eastern and Central European Steel Conference.

      You can see WinSteel and WinPlant software during Metal Bulletin's 5th Eastern and Central European Steel Conference in Mariott Hotel Warsaw, Poland on June 18 - 20, 2000.

    Payments by credit cards are available.

    Order software you need online! We accept payments by credit cards now.

    Fairs in 1999.

    We invite you to the following Fairs where you could see our software:
    1. Ore and Metals of Ural. Ekaterinburg, November, 16 - 19.
    2. Metal-EXPO'99. Moscow, November 23 - 26, All-Russian Exhibition Centre (former VDNKh), building 57.

    50% discount for users of competitive software.

    50% discount is available for users of the similar software of our competitors now.

    New software WinAlloy - Automated Directory of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys.

    New software WinAlloy, ver.1.0 - Automated Directory of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys is available in English now! If you order WinAlloy during July or August 1999 you will get 10% discount of base price!

    Metal Bulletin's 4th Eastern European Steel Conference.

    You can see WinSteel and WinPlant software during Metal Bulletin's 4th Eastern European Steel Conference in Hotel Intercontinental Geneva, Switzerland on June 13 - 15, 1999.

    WinSteel, ver. 4.1 is available now.

    New version 4.1 of WinSteel - Automated Directory of Steel Grades software is available now.

    FREE Light version of the WinPlant software.

    FREE WinPlant Light version (2.8 Mb) is available now. Lihgt version is a full version of the software with reduce database. In the Light version detailed data on rolled products manufactured by ZapSib (West-Siberian Iron and Steel Works) are available.

    New WinPlant version 2.0.

    New WinPlant - Automated Directory of Steel Plants ver. 2.0 (English release) is available now.

    Metals of Ukraine Fair.

    On April 21-24 we plan to take part in "Metals of Ukraine" Fair in Kiev in National Exhibition Centre, buld. 12 with our Ukraine distributor - TDDS Company.

    METEXPOBALT'98 Fair.

    We will take part and demonstrate our software on International Fair "METEXPOBALT'98" on March 4 - 6 in Riga's Exhibition Center "Kipsala".

    "Machine Building - 97" Fair.

    We will demonstrate our software on fair "Machine Building - 97" on November 24 - 28 in Moscow Exhibition Center "Sokolniki".

    WinPlant, ver.1.1 is available now.

    WinPlant, ver.1.1 with information on manufactures of flat and long rolled products and (NEW!) tubes & pipes is available now.

    Main differences of WinPlant ver. 1.1 in comparison of ver. 1.0 are the following:
  • WinPlant database is expanded with data on 29 plants - manufacturers of tubes and pipes;
  • We have added the database with the information on manufacturers of coating flat rolled products;
  • Plant addresses and phone numbers are updated to up-today state.
  • Now you can find the manufacturers of rolled steel products you need more quickly. The search speed in WinPlant software is increased in 10 times.

  • 15.07.1997
    Fairs in 1997.

    In 1997 we plan to take part in the following fairs where WinSteel and WinPlant will be demonstrated:
  • "Metals of Ukraine", Kiev, Exhibition Center, October, 1-4;
  • "Metals of Russia and CIS", Moscow, Exhibition Center "Sokolniki", October 13-17.


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