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New data updates of 3rd quarter of 2017 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant

WinSteel. In comparison with the previous data update we added new grades by BS, BS ISO (UK), EN, EN ISO (Europe), ASTM, ASME SA/EN, API (USA), GB/T (China), JIS (Japan), SANS (South Africa), TS (Turkey), GOST R ISO (Russia) as well as by UIC and ISO standards. Information on grades included in a lot of ASTM (USA) as well as in several ISO standards, was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 298,693 now.
WinAlloy. In comparison with the previous data update we added non-ferrous alloys by ASTM, API (USA), EN (Europe), BS ISO (UK), SANS (South Africa), GOST R (Russia) and ISO standards. Information on alloys included in several ASTM (USA) and JIS (Japan), was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 174,773 now.
WinPlant. BLACK. Information on 7 new mills and new managing company, was added in the database. These are Russian producers of tubes, forgings, wire, grinding balls and roll-formed sheet profiles. 17 companies were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. BLACK database contains information on products of 718 plants including 73 plants of non-CIS countries.
Information on products of 33 mills as well as contact data of 59 mills included in the database earlier, was updated.

WinPlant. RED. Information on 5 new plants and new managing company, was included in the database. These are Russian producers of extruded aluminium profiles, flat and long products of copper alloys, copper and aluminium wire rods, Pb alloys in pigs. 3 plants were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. RED database contains information on products of 363 plants including 10 plants of non-CIS countries.
Information on products of 12 plants as well as contact data of 34 plants included in the database earlier, was updated.

New data updates of 2nd quarter of 2017 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant

WinSteel. In comparison with the previous data update we added new grades by EN, EN ISO/DIS, EN ISO/FDIS, prEN ISO, EN ISO (Europe), ASTM (USA), JIS (Japan), GB/T (China), DIN, DIN EN, DIN ISO (Germany), BS ISO (UK), GOST, TU, STB (CIS countries) as well as by ISO, ISO/DIS, ISO/FDIS standards. Information on grades included in a lot of ASTM (USA) as well as in several DIN (Germany) and ISO standards, was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 286,759 now.
WinAlloy. In comparison with the previous data update we added non-ferrous alloys by EN (Europe), ASTM (USA), GB/T (China), DIN ISO (Germany), BS ISO (UK), GOST, GOST R ISO, TU (CIS countries), ISO standards. Information on alloys included in several ASTM, ASME (USA), EN (Europe) and ISO standards, was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 171,897 now.
WinPlant. BLACK. Information on 3 new mills and new managing company, was added in the database. These are Azertexnolayn (Azerbaijan), Dneprov Metiz Plant (Ukrane), ZVEZDA (Russia), Almalyk MMC (Uzbekistan). 31 mills were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. BLACK database contains information on products of 731 plants including 74 plants of non-CIS countries.
Information on products of 33 mills as well as contact data of 52 mills included in the database earlier, was updated.

WinPlant. RED. Information on 5 new plants and 2 new managing companies, was included in the database. These are Russian producers of extruded aluminium profiles, copper extruded profiles and wire and cast bronze bushes. 9 plants were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. RED database contains information on products of 358 plants including 10 plants of non-CIS countries.
Information on products of 13 plants as well as contact data of 37 plants included in the database earlier, was updated.

New data updates of 1st quarter of 2017 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant

WinSteel. In comparison with the previous data update we added new grades by standards JIS (Japan), BS ISO (UK), GB/T (China), VDA (Germany), UNI (Italy), GOST, GOST R, TU (CIS countries), ISO as well as commercial grades of some steel companies. Information on grades included in several ASTM (USA), GB/T (China) standards, was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 277,162 now.
WinAlloy. In comparison with the previous data update we added non-ferrous alloys by JIS (Japan), GB/T (China), GOST R (CIS countries) standards. Information on alloys included in several JIS (Japan), AS (Australia), ISO standards, was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 171,006 now.
WinPlant. BLACK. Information on 3 new mills and 2 new managing companies, was added in the database. They are Russian manufactures of welded and cast tubes. 6 mills were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. BLACK database contains information on products of 756 plants including 75 plants of non-CIS countries.
Information on products of 32 mills as well as contact data of 37 mills included in the database earlier, was updated.

WinPlant. RED. Information on 5 new plants and 1 new managing company, was included in the database. These are Russian and Belarusian producers of seconary alloys, castings, solders, wire, strips and foil. 6 plants were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. RED database contains information on products of 368 plants including 10 plants of non-CIS countries.
Information on products of 7 plants as well as contact data of 16 plants included in the database earlier, was updated.

How to recommence your support

Since February 1st, 2017 we are implementing new rules of the support.

Early all our users had possiblity to recommence their support at any time by our recommencement rates. Since now it is possible for users only whose support was over not more that 3 years ago. After 3 years to recommence the support a user has to pay 80% of the full price of the required product.

So to prolong or recommence your support the following rates are used:
  • prolongation rates - you have to pay for the next support period during the previous one or in three months after its finishing;
  • recommencement rates - if the support was interrupted for period more than 3 months and less than 3 years;
  • normal price with 20% discount - if the support was interrupted for period more than 3 years.

New support costs, valid from February 1st, 2017

  Prolongation rates Recommencement rates After 3 years
WinSteel 8 Base
€90 / $120
€160 / $220
€310 / $420
WinSteel 8 Prof
€140 / $190
€230 / $310
€470 / $630
WinSteel 8 VIP
€650 / $880
€800 / $1080
€870 / $1180
WinAlloy 8
€90 / $120
€160 / $220
€310 / $420
WinPlant. BLACK
€140 / $190
€230 / $310
€310 / $420
WinPlant. RED
€90 / $120
€160 / $220
€310 / $420

New data updates of 4th quarter of 2016 of WinSteel, WinAlloy and WinPlant

WinSteel. In comparison with the previous data update we added new grades by standards EN (Europe), BS (UK), JIS (Japan), YB (China), BRL (The Netherlands), GOST, TU (CIS countries) as well as ISO. Information on grades included in several IS (India), JIS (Japan) and ISO standards, was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 274,592 now.
WinAlloy. In comparison with the previous data update we added non-ferrous alloys by KS (South Korea), BS ISO (UK), GOST (CIS countries), ISO standards. Information on alloys included in several EN standards, was updated.
    In a result of the addition of new grades the total number of grades included in the database is 169,394 now.
WinPlant. BLACK. Information on 2 new mills, was added in the database. They are Russian manufactures of welded tubes and pipes. 11 mills were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. BLACK database contains information on products of 758 plants including 75 plants of non-CIS countries.
We added in the database information on new products developed by 11 plants. Information on 76 mills included in the database earlier and on their products and traders, was updated.

WinPlant. RED. Information on 2 new plants, was included in the database. These are Russian producers of non-ferrous alloys in pigs. 6 plants were deleted from the database as they were liquidated, reorganizated or changed their business.
    Now WinPlant. RED database contains information on products of 367 plants including 12 plants of non-CIS countries.
We added in the database information on new products developed by 3 plants. Information on 43 plants included in the database earlier and on their products and traders, was updated.

WinSteel 8 Prof Demo video on YouTube

We recorded and placed on YouTube Demo video on new version 8 of WinSteel Prof software. The video shows how to find a grade you need in the software database and to get information on its composition, mechanical properties and foreign equivalents.

You can see the video here.


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